
Any league player can play...


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The Interleague Billiard Circuit is a tournament circuit throughout the United States in which any player from the pool leagues NAPA, APA, BCA, VNEA, TAP, & USAPL can compete.

Utilizing the CueSpeed handicapping conversion table, each player is assigned a CueSpeed Rating before participating in an event equal to their handicap from their current league rating.

All players are placed into a bracket based on their CueSpeed Rating.

  • 25% of the field will be placed into Group 1.
  • 25% of the field will be placed into Group 2.
  • 25% of the field will be placed into Group 3.
  • 25% of the field will be placed into Group 4.
    • Winners of each group meet in the Final-4.
    • The Final-4 is always random draw.
      • Winner from each match up meet in the finals for 1st and 2nd place prize money
      • Looser from each match up meet in the bronze finals for 3rd and 4th place prize money

All fees for all players are the same.

  • $50 Entry Fee
  • $10 Green Fee
  • $10 Admin Fee
  • $10 Tournament Direction Fee
  • $80 Total

100% of player entry fee goes to the prize fund and trophies.

Where, permitted by law, all events will host a player auction for additional player prize money.

100% of the auction money is paid to the players. There are no fees taken from the auction prize money by IBC.

Prize money from all events is paid out between 20% and 25% of the field depending on the number of participants.

The final 4 finishers in each tour stop qualify for the year's end IBC championship.

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